Test Automation

We have two kind of software testing method .There are manual testing and automated testing.Testing means ,compare the expected result and actual outcomes.In manual testing ,tester do same thing again and again. it is a time wasting.
Test automation is doing test automatically ,using test script or automation testing tool.We have thousand of automation testing tools, as an example

We can use automation test tool to several different test types.
Unit testing
Function testing
Regression testing
Black box testing
Integration testing
Keyword testing
Data driven testing
Smoke testing
If test case changes frequently ,one time test case or Adhoc -random testing we can’t use automation testing tools.
Automation testing has five step process,

- Test Tool Selection:- select the suitable testing tool
- Define scope of Automation:- define the automation testing area of the application.
- Planning, Design and Development:-In here we doing automation tools selected, framework design and its features, in-Scope and Out-of-scope items of automation, automation testbed preparation, schedule and timeline of scripting and execution, deliverables of automation testing.
- Test Execution:-In here execute the test script and get test report.
- Maintenance:-When that software was added new functions ,also adding new test script to it.
👍 Advantages of automation testing
- Faster than the manual testing.
- Save time and cost.
- Improve accuracy.
- Test frequently and thoroughly.
- Re-usable test script.